%s %s
\n", $url, $title, $desc) ); else return ( "" ); } // Get Most Receint File Update date $mTime = filemtime( __FILE__ ); if( !isset( $HTTP_GET_VARS["Month"] ) ) { $tTime = strtotime( strftime( "%m/01/%Y 00:00:00" ) ); if( $tTime > $mTime ) $mTime = $tTime; } if( ($tTime = filemtime( "theme.dat" ) ) > $mTime ) $mTime = $tTime; if( ($tTime = filemtime( "links.dat" ) ) > $mTime ) $mTime = $tTime; header( "Last-Modified: " . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s", $mTime ) . " GMT" ); // Determine Roundtable Month if( isset( $HTTP_GET_VARS["Month"] ) ) $rDate = $HTTP_GET_VARS["Month"]; else $rDate = date( "m/y" ); // Set Roundtable Month and Year Variables; $rMonth = substr( $rDate, 0, 2 ) + 0; $rYear = substr( $rDate, 3, 2 ) + 0; // Set Theme Month and Year Variables; $tMonth = $rMonth + 1; $tYear = $rYear; if( $tMonth > 12 ) { $tMonth = 1; $tYear = $tYear + 1; } // Global Variables $mFull = array( 1=>"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ); $wBadgeNum = array( 'Aquanaut'=>1, 'Artist'=>2, 'Athlete'=>3, 'Citizen'=>4, 'Communicator'=>5, 'Craftsman'=>6, 'Engineer'=>7, 'Family Member'=>8, 'Fitness'=>9, 'Forester'=>10, 'Geologist'=>11, 'Handyman'=>12, 'Naturalist'=>13, 'Outdoorsman'=>14, 'Readyman'=>15, 'Scholar'=>16, 'Scientist'=>17, 'Showman'=>18, 'Sportsman'=>19, 'Traveler'=>20 ); // Read Themes, Webelos Themes, and Descriptions from file if( $iFile = fopen( "theme.dat", rt ) ) { while( $iStr = fgets( $iFile, 10240 ) ) { list ($year,$month,$cstheme,$web1,$web2,$keyword,$description) = split( "\|", $iStr, 7 ); // Figure out what the ROUNDTABLE Month and year are... $dMonth = $month - 1; $dYear = $year - 2000; if( $dMonth < 1 ) { $dMonth = 12; $dYear = $dYear - 1; } // Set up the Themes array $themes[$dYear][$dMonth] = $cstheme; // Set up keyword array $keywords[$dYear][$dMonth] = split( ",", $keyword ); if(($dYear==$rYear)&&(($dMonth==$rMonth)|| (($rMonth==0)&&($dMonth==1)))) { // Set up the theme and Description $rTheme = $cstheme; $rDescription = $description; // Set up the Webelos Activity Pins $pin[1] = $web1; $pin[2] = $web2; } } fclose( $iFile ); } $cDate = date( "ym" ) + 0; $rDate = $rYear * 100 + $rMonth; if( $rDate < $cDate - 3 ) // 3 Months - Check every month $cTime = 60*60*24*7*4; else if( $rDate < $cDate - 2 ) // 2 Months - Check every 2 weeks $cTime = 60*60*24*7*2; else if( $rDate < $cDate ) // 1 Month - Check every 24 hours $cTime = 60*60*24; else if( $rDate == $cDate ) // Same month - Check every 4 hours $cTime = 60*60*4; else $cTime = 60*60*24*7; // Otherwise - Check weekly $GenFiles = ""; // Check to see if status file for Baloo Buggle2 exists $GenFiles .= statCheck( "baloo2", sprintf("http://usscouts.org/usscouts/bbugle/bb%02d%02d.pdf", $rYear, $rMonth), "Baloo's Bugle", "This U.S. Scouting Service Project supported site features monthly program helps and ideas sure to help you improve your Pack or Den program. -- PDF Format" ); // Check to see if status file for "old" Baloo Buggle exists if( ! preg_match( "/bbugle/", $GenFiles ) ) $GenFiles .= statCheck( "baloo", sprintf("http://usscouts.org/bbugle/bb%02d%02d.pdf", $tYear, $tMonth), "Baloo's Bugle", "This U.S. Scouting Service Project supported site features monthly program helps and ideas sure to help you improve your Pack or Den program. -- PDF Format" ); // Check to see if the BUCKEYE Roundtbable Handout exists if( file_exists( sprintf("/home/scouting/public_html/Training/Roundtable/Handouts/Buckeye/cs20%02d-%02d.pdf", $tYear, $tMonth) ) ) $GenFiles .= sprintf("Buckeye District", $tYear, $tMonth) . " Roundtable Handout from the Buckeye District of Simon Kenton Council provided by Barbara Karweik. -- PDF Format
\n"; // Check to see if status file for The Ottawanna exists - Ottawana is the most common but some are Ottawanna $GenFiles .= statCheck( "Ottawana", sprintf("http://www.cvc-ottawa.org/Files/Ottawana%02d%02d.pdf", $rMonth, $rYear), "Ottawana", "Roundtable Handout from the Ottawa District of Clinton Valley Council. -- PDF Format" ); if( ! preg_match( "/cvc-ottawa/", $GenFiles ) ) $GenFiles .= statCheck( "Ottawanna", sprintf("http://www.cvc-ottawa.org/files/Ottawanna%02d%02d.pdf", $rMonth, $rYear), "Ottawana", "Roundtable Handout from the Ottawa District of Clinton Valley Council. -- PDF Format" ); // Check for Goldenrod District // // Started returning bogus page on not found // // $GenFiles .= statCheck( "gold", sprintf( "https://people.creighton.edu/~bjs74318/bluejay/pack114/library/rtable/%02d%-3.3s.doc", $tYear, $mFull[$tMonth]), "Pack 114 Roundtable Handout", "Goldenrod District Roundtable Handouts by Barb Stephens, Cub RT Commissioner. Word Format" ); // Check to see if status file for scoutXing exists if((($rYear == 5 ) && ( $rMonth > 8) ) || ( $rYear > 5 ) ) $GenFiles .= statCheck( "scoutxing", sprintf("http://www.scoutxing.com/themes/20%02d/themes_20%02d-%02d.htm", $rYear, $rYear, $rMonth), "ScoutXing", "This is a link to the theme section of the ScoutXing. -- HTML Format" ); else $GenFiles .= statCheck( "scoutxing", sprintf("http://www.scoutxing.com/themes/20%02d/themes_20%02d-%02d.htm", $tYear, $tYear, $tMonth), "ScoutXing", "This is a link to the theme section of the ScoutXing. -- HTML Format" ); echo "\n\n0) { printf( " for %s, 20%02d - %s - %s\">\n", $mFull[$rMonth], $rYear, $rTheme, htmlentities( rtrim($rDescription) ) ); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; printf( "Scouting The Net - Cub Scout Roundtable Handouts for %s, 20%02d - %s", $mFull[$rMonth], $rYear, $rTheme ); if( strlen( $pin[1] ) > 0 ) printf( " -- Webelos Activity Pins - %s & %s", $pin[1], $pin[2]); printf( "\n" ); } else { printf( "s for 20%02d\">\n", $rYear); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; printf( "Scouting The Net - Cub Scout Roundtable Themes for 20%02d\n", $rYear); } ?>
Scouting The Net

Scouting The Net

0 ) { printf( "%s -- %s, 20%02d

", $rTheme, $mFull[$rMonth], $rYear ); if( strlen( $pin[1] ) > 0 ) printf( "

Webelos Activity Pins - %s & %s

", preg_replace( "/ /", "_", $pin[1]), $pin[1], preg_replace( "/ /", "_", $pin[2]), $pin[2] ); } else printf( "Roundtable Themes for 20%02d", $rYear); ?>

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    $a1 ) { foreach ( $a1 as $m => $a2 ) { // Figure out what the ROUNDTABLE Month and year are... $dMonth = $m-1; $dYear = $y; if( $dMonth < 1 ) { $dMonth = 12; $dYear = $dYear-1; } // Check to see if we should use REAL or Friendly URL's if( $UseFriendlyURL ) { if($dMonth==1) printf( "
    \n", $dYear, $dYear ); if($dYear==$rYear) printf( "
  1. %s
  2. \n", $dYear, $dMonth, $themes[$dYear][$dMonth] ); } else { if($dMonth==1) printf( "
    \n", $dYear, $dYear ); if($dYear==$rYear) printf( "
  1. %s
  2. \n", $dMonth, $dYear, $themes[$dYear][$dMonth] ); } } } ?>

Top : Training : Roundtable : Handouts


\n"; if( $rMonth > 0 ) { echo "

Monthly Theme Information -- $rTheme

\n"; echo $rDescription; echo "


\n"; // Display Generated File Names echo $GenFiles; // Read Links File if( $lFile = fopen( "links.dat", rt ) ) { while( $lStr = fgets( $lFile, 10240 ) ) { if( strlen( $lStr ) < 5 ) continue; $lStr = rtrim( $lStr ); list ($year,$month,$title,$description,$url) = split( "\|", $lStr, 5 ); // Save default info if(($year==0)&&($month==0)){ $sTitle = $title; $sDescription = $description; $sUrl = $url; } // Check Year and Month for requested Month $dMonth = $month - 1; $dYear = $year - 2000; if( $dMonth < 1 ) { $dMonth = 12; $dYear = $dYear - 1; } if(( $sUrl=="" ) && ( $sTitle != "")) { echo "
$sTitle - $sDescription

\n"; $sTitle=""; $sDescription=""; continue; } if( ($dYear==$rYear) && ($dMonth==$rMonth) ) echo "$sTitle $title - $sDescription$description
\n"; } fclose( $lFile ); } // Display associated themes (keyword based) echo "
Related Themes - Other monthly themes that are related....

"; // Loop through the keyword array building a list of themes that have the same keywords foreach( $keywords as $kYear => $yData ) { foreach( $yData as $kMonth => $kWord ) { if( ( $kYear != $rYear ) || ( $kMonth != $rMonth ) ) { if( count( ($intersect = array_intersect( $kWord, $keywords[$rYear][$rMonth] ) ) ) > 0 ) { if( $UseFriendlyURL ) printf( "", $kYear, $kMonth ); else printf( "", $kYear, $kMonth ); printf( "%s 20%02d %s (%s)
\n", $mFull[$kMonth], $kYear, $themes[$kYear][$kMonth], implode(", ", $intersect) ) ; } } } } } else { // Read Themes, Webelos Themes, and Descriptions from file if( $iFile = fopen( "theme.dat", rt ) ) { while( $iStr = fgets( $iFile, 10240 ) ) { list ($year,$month,$cstheme,$pin[1],$pin[2],$keyword,$description) = split( "\|", $iStr, 7 ); $dMonth = $month - 1; $dYear = $year - 2000; if( $dMonth < 1 ) { $dMonth = 12; $dYear = $dYear - 1; } if($dYear==$rYear) { echo '
'; // // Select either "Real" or Friendly url if( $UseFriendlyURL ) printf( "$mFull[$dMonth] - $cstheme", $dYear, $dMonth ); else printf( "$mFull[$dMonth] - $cstheme", $dMonth, $dYear ); // echo ''; if( $pin[1] ) printf( "%s - %s", preg_replace( "/ /", "_", $pin[1]), $pin[1], preg_replace( "/ /", "_", $pin[2]), $pin[2] ); else echo ' '; echo "
\n"; printf( "$description

\n" ); } } fclose( $iFile ); } } ?>

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Theme descriptions courtesy of BSA and the Scouting Bear's Cave.

Service provided by: Arkie, Inc.
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